[Comment] Effectiveness and durability of insecticide mixtures for pyrethroid resistance in sub-Saharan Africa

Di |2023-09-28T00:30:01+02:00Settembre 28th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

Pyrethroid (PY) resistance is now rampant in most malaria-endemic countries, threatening to lower the effectiveness of standard long-lasting insecticide nets (LLINs) treated with PY only. Of the 88 countries that reported data on insecticide resistance...

[Articles] Safety and durable immunogenicity of the TV005 tetravalent dengue vaccine, across serotypes and age groups, in dengue-endemic Bangladesh: a randomised, controlled trial

Di |2023-09-28T00:30:01+02:00Settembre 28th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

With 3 years of follow-up, the single-dose tetravalent dengue vaccine, TV005, was well tolerated and immunogenic for all four serotypes in young children to adults, including individuals with no previous dengue exposure.

[Articles] Safety and durable immunogenicity of the TV005 tetravalent dengue vaccine, across serotypes and age groups, in dengue-endemic Bangladesh: a randomised, controlled trial

Di |2023-09-28T00:30:01+02:00Settembre 28th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

With 3 years of follow-up, the single-dose tetravalent dengue vaccine, TV005, was well tolerated and immunogenic for all four serotypes in young children to adults, including individuals with no previous dengue exposure.

[Articles] Primaquine dose and the risk of haemolysis in patients with uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax malaria: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis

Di |2023-09-23T00:30:01+02:00Settembre 23rd, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

Treatment of patients with G6PD activity of 30% or higher with 0·25–0·5 mg/kg per day primaquine regimens and patients with G6PD activity of 70% or higher with 0·25–1 mg/kg per day regimens were associated with similar risks of haemolysis to those in p...

[Comment] Primaquine dose and the risk of haemolysis and Plasmodium vivax recurrence: pooling the available data to reassure the unconvinced

Di |2023-09-23T00:30:01+02:00Settembre 23rd, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

71 years after its US Food and Drug Administration approval for the treatment of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale, and despite the hundreds of millions of doses cumulatively used in the world, the use of primaquine remains hampered by the many unk...

[Comment] The TB Vaccine Accelerator Council: harnessing the power of vaccines to end the tuberculosis epidemic

Di |2023-09-22T00:30:02+02:00Settembre 22nd, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

Tuberculosis is one of the world's oldest and deadliest infectious diseases. Every year, more than 10 million people fall ill with tuberculosis, and more than a million die from the disease, most of whom are adults and adolescents.1 With close to half ...

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