[Correspondence] Dengue fever: working towards global control considering biological, social, and planetary determinants

Di |2023-10-19T00:30:01+02:00Ottobre 19th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

We read with great interest the Editorial recently published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases about the global control of dengue.1 In the Editorial, authors highlighted the effects of climate change and El Niño favouring the spread of this vector-born...

[Correspondence] Dengue fever: working towards global control considering biological, social, and planetary determinants

Di |2023-10-19T00:30:01+02:00Ottobre 19th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

We read with great interest the Editorial recently published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases about the global control of dengue.1 In the Editorial, authors highlighted the effects of climate change and El Niño favouring the spread of this vector-born...

[Articles] Impact of piperaquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum on malaria treatment effectiveness in French Guiana: a descriptive epidemiological study

Di |2023-10-17T00:30:01+02:00Ottobre 17th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

The high prevalence of piperaquine resistance markers in parasite populations of the Guianas, and the risk of associated therapeutic failures calls for caution on dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine use in the region. Furthermore, greater attention should b...

[Comment] Developing the EAVE III platform for future health crises

Di |2023-10-13T00:30:01+02:00Ottobre 13th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

The Scottish Early Estimation of Pandemic Influenza Antiviral and Vaccine Effectiveness (EAVE) platform was established in 2012 through funding from the National Institute for Health Research, alongside a portfolio of nine pandemic preparedness and res...

[Corrections] Correction to Lancet Infect Dis 2023; published online Sept 28. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00493-0

Di |2023-10-13T00:30:01+02:00Ottobre 13th, 2023|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

Schilling WHK, Jittamala P, Watson JA, et al. Antiviral efficacy of molnupiravir versus ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir in patients with early symptomatic COVID-19 (PLATCOV): an open-label, phase 2, randomised, controlled, adaptive trial. Lancet Infect ...

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