[Correspondence] Quadrivalent dengue-virus vaccines: challenges and opportunities for India

Di |2024-02-24T00:30:01+01:00Febbraio 24th, 2024|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

An estimated 12·9 million primary dengue-virus infections occurred in India in 2017, according to the constant force of infection model.1 Vaccine-efficacy studies for quadrivalent dengue-virus vaccines conducted in other endemic countries2–4 have provi...

[Correspondence] Quadrivalent dengue-virus vaccines: challenges and opportunities for India

Di |2024-02-24T00:30:01+01:00Febbraio 24th, 2024|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

An estimated 12·9 million primary dengue-virus infections occurred in India in 2017, according to the constant force of infection model.1 Vaccine-efficacy studies for quadrivalent dengue-virus vaccines conducted in other endemic countries2–4 have provi...

[Correspondence] Non-COVID-19 hospitalisation as a negative control outcome in COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness studies

Di |2024-02-23T00:30:01+01:00Febbraio 23rd, 2024|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

Christian Holm Hansen and colleagues1 estimated the effectiveness of the XBB.1.5 updated COVID-19 vaccine against COVID-19 hospitalisation. Although their work is valuable, we have concerns regarding their negative control outcome analysis.

[Articles] Effectiveness of pyriproxyfen-pyrethroid and chlorfenapyr-pyrethroid long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) compared with pyrethroid-only LLINs for malaria control in the third year post-distribution: a secondary analysis of a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Benin

Di |2024-02-22T00:30:01+01:00Febbraio 22nd, 2024|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

During the third year, as was also observed during the first 2 years, the pyriproxyfen-pyrethroid LLIN group did not have superior protection against malaria cases compared with the standard LLIN group. In the third year, people living in the chlorfena...

[Articles] Effectiveness of pyriproxyfen-pyrethroid and chlorfenapyr-pyrethroid long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) compared with pyrethroid-only LLINs for malaria control in the third year post-distribution: a secondary analysis of a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Benin

Di |2024-02-22T00:30:01+01:00Febbraio 22nd, 2024|Categorie: Coronavirus Lancet|

During the third year, as was also observed during the first 2 years, the pyriproxyfen-pyrethroid LLIN group did not have superior protection against malaria cases compared with the standard LLIN group. In the third year, people living in the chlorfena...

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