coronavirus, Covid-19

Coronavirus. Usa. 4 i senatori che hanno venduto azioni prima del crollo della borsa – Rai News

Di |2020-04-17T00:11:08+02:00Marzo 20th, 2020|Categorie: Coronavirus|Tag: |

Nel corso di un incontro privato, avvenuto il 24 gennaio, il repubblicano Richard Burr, che per il suo ruolo poteva accedere a informazioni riservate dal governo, avrebbe informato gli altri senatori della gravità dell'epidemia del coronavirus, invitandoli a occuparsi dei loro investimenti finanziari.

FLASHBACK Jan. 14: WHO Tells Everyone Don’t Worry Because China Says Coronavirus Isn’t Contagious | The Daily Callerz

Di |2020-05-06T00:44:20+02:00Marzo 18th, 2020|Categorie: Coronavirus|Tag: , |

On January 14, the World Health Organization (WHO) tried to cam fears of a pandemic by repeating China's claim that coronavirus was not contagious among humans. “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission

FLASHBACK Jan. 14: WHO Tells Everyone Don’t Worry Because China Says Coronavirus Isn’t Contagious | The Daily Caller

Di |2020-05-10T16:55:02+02:00Marzo 18th, 2020|Categorie: Coronavirus|Tag: , |

The World Health Organization (WHO) tried to cam fears of a pandemic on Jan. 14 by repeating China’s claim that coronavirus was not contagious among humans.“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission

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