Emotional Correlates of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Individuals With and Without Diabetes

Di |2021-11-06T11:00:00+01:00Novembre 6th, 2021|Categorie: Coronavirus PubMed|

CONCLUSIONS: In this naturalistic observational study, participants with type 2 diabetes reported more depression, lower resilience, and significantly more COVID-19 risk factors and medical comorbidities than participants without diabetes. Overall, our participants demonstrated worse depression and anxiety symptoms during compared with before the pandemic.

Emotional Correlates of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Individuals With and Without Diabetes

Di |2021-11-06T11:00:00+01:00Novembre 6th, 2021|Categorie: Coronavirus, Coronavirus PubMed|

CONCLUSIONS: In this naturalistic observational study, participants with type 2 diabetes reported more depression, lower resilience, and significantly more COVID-19 risk factors and medical comorbidities than participants without diabetes. Overall, our participants demonstrated worse depression and anxiety symptoms during compared with before the pandemic.